Payment Information

Online payments can be made simply by clicking the “Pay Online” button and following the onscreen instructions.

  • Our online payment options carry a 1% to 3% fee.
  • Please indicate in the notes/memo box the name of the student for whom the payment is being made.

Payment by Check

  • Make checks payable to Frontier School of the Bible
  • Indicate the student’s name on a separate piece of paper
  • Mail to …
    Frontier School of the Bible
    PO Box 217
    LaGrange, WY 8222

Student Payment Policies

One-time Room Fee postmarked after July 1st for fall semester or December 15th for spring semester will increase to $250.00 (completely non-refundable).

Upperclassman Dorm Deposit is required to confirm your intent to return to FSB. A $200.00 room deposit is required by July 1st for fall semester or December 15th for spring semester and will be applied to your student account. The price will increase to $250.00 if paid after July 1st/Dec.15th.

  • $200.00 is fully refundable until August 1/January 1
  • This Confirmation Payment is NOT refundable after August 1/January 1. (It is to your benefit to make a decision by August 1 or January 1.)

Early Payment Discount of $100.00 is applied to all student accounts that are paid in full by August 1st.

For the purposes of fee assessment, 12 or more hours shall be considered full-time. Only full-time students will be allowed to live in the dorms and school housing.

Wives of full-time students may take up to 5 hours of classes (credit or audit) without tuition charge and they may take any number of hours at a 50% reduction of tuition or audit fees.

A Late Fee of $25 will be charged if the Minimum Payment Due on a payment contract is not paid by the Due Date. Payment Contracts are due on the 15th of each month.

  1. Freshmen are required to pay for their first semester in full by registration day.
  2. Upperclassmen balance must be paid in full by registration day or you may request a payment contract with FSB for an amount not exceeding $1200.00. This amount will be divided into three monthly payments. Payments are due on the 15th of each month.
  3. Any outstanding balance over $500 at the end of a semester or beginning the month after the student concludes or withdraws will incur a 1% service fee each month.
  4. No transcript, diploma, certificate, or degree will be issued for any student or former student who has any outstanding balance on his/her account. This policy is strictly enforced.
  5. Any student who wishes to make an appeal about financial status, charges, or refunds may submit an appeal in writing to the Business Office.


If a student leaves school, the following schedule of refunds for the tuition and board charges shall be put into operation at the discretion of the Business Manager:


  • First week 90% refund
  • Second week 70% refund
  • Third week 50% refund
  • Fourth week 30% refund
  • After four weeks No refund


Charges for board will be prorated and refunded for the balance of the semester.


For further questions or information, please contact our business office.